class: center, middle .title[Creative Coding and Software Design 2]
.subtitle[Week 7: Control]
.date[Apr 2022]
.note[Created with [Liminal]( using [Remark.js]( + [Markdown]( + [KaTeX](] ??? Author: Grigore Burloiu, UNATC --- name: toc class: left # ★ Table of Contents ★ 1. [Lists](#lists) 2. [MSP basics](#msp-basics) 3. [Args, messages, attr](#args-messages-attr) 4. [Example: audio-reactive 3D model](#example-audio-reactive-3d-model) 5. [Assignment](#assignment) --- layout: true .toc[[★](#toc)] --- name: lists # Lists pack / pak / unpack zl prepend / append messages: "text $1" ... coll, route --- class: center ## Tip: reset object ![](../attachments/max-reset-obj.gif) --- name: msp-basics # MSP basics number~ / snapshot~ cycle~ / saw~ phasor~ buffer~ play~ / groove~ / stutter~ --- name: args-messages-attr # Args, messages, attr [buffer~ mySound 10 2] "set myOtherSound" setting Attributes - @ (in object box) - inspector (**Ctrl+I**) - attrui (right-click on first inlet) - by messages of the attr's name --- name: example-audio-reactive-3d-model class:center # Example: audio-reactive 3D model use signal amplitude to control the scale of a 3D model ![](../attachments/msp-glmodel.gif) --- name: assignment class: left # Assignment Tutorials. See #21: controlling data flow IN: int. OUT: that int, if it’s > 5. - useful objects: trigger, gate, sel, >, if, … - how many ways are there? AND use the mouse to sample from a sound buffer at different speeds & locations Reading: