I did a talk on AI artistic practice and its ethical implications. My slides are here. It turned out pretty well, I covered a lot and we had a bit of fun with the interactive demos. If I had infinite time I’d record a version for youtube… but I don’t, so it’s on to the next thing.

We’ll be hosting this little conference on AI & Arts, and I’m delivering the opening talk, as a(nother) sort of intro to the field. I’ll be editing down yesterday’s slides, hopefully without sacrificing too much of the ethics bit. If you’re in Bucharest around 18 March, why not drop by CINETic and check it out.

This all has me thinking about what I should and should not attempt in my upcoming “AI”-focussed (I’ll never not hate this AI hype train btw, can’t wait to call it machine learning again) residency in Budapest. Is it really worth spending GPU power to finetune LLMs or could we do with something more lo-fi.